Annie, Visual Journaling

Visual Journaling Response

After watching this discussion, my eyes were really opened to the great benefits which come with visual journaling, specifically on an individual’s mental and physical health during such trying times. 

As someone who has been affected so personally by the pandemic, losing two grandparents in the span of two weeks, while also struggling with mental health, this discussion provided insight into how I can better myself in such a simple way: visual journaling. I was amazed by all of Professor Birky’s scientific points which back up the importance. I have always enjoyed drawing and sketching to pass time, but did not realize the positive affects something so enjoyable can have. 

In addition, I felt greatly inspired by not just the finished products of Professor Travers paintings and drawings, but all the works-in-progress which were shared throughout the presentation. At times, I find the simple sketches to come off more complex to me than the finished product themselves. Seeing into the process, especially, brings the viewer into the moment even closer. 

Overall, I felt I was able to learn and take away a great deal from this presentation which I had never realized before. I plan to take this new knowledge of visual journaling into my own life, and hope to create more just to better myself.

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