Lily, Uncategorized, Visual Journaling

Visual Journaling

What interested me the most in the video was the discussion about dreams. Ian Burkey mentioned that he has kept a dream journal for most of his life, which I am so envious of. I myself keep track of my dreams at times, but I only have a small collection in comparison. Both dreaming in general and my dreams specifically have always fascinated me so much. I have such incredibly intense and vivid dreams almost every night and I almost always remember them, occasionally experiencing a lucid dream. Sometimes, they are so realistic that I mix them up with reality, as they seem like real memories to me. There are some dreams that I still think about as If I experienced them in real life.

I think this topic ties into what Burkey mentioned about a lack of stimulation during online learning. A year ago, when quarantine had just started and we were all sent home, I would joke to my friends that I was having more fun in my dreams than in real life. However, this had more than a shred of truth to it. When my environment failed to inspire, my dreams became a source of entertainment and stimulation to the point where I would become excited to go to sleep because I couldn’t wait to experience another dream.

I also agree with the statement that when you keep track of your dreams, you begin to notice commonalities and underlying threads that reappear often. This sketch is a representation of some visuals that I have experienced in my dreams recently. For instance, I always dream about the ocean and/or sharks. Eventually I would like to add color.

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