Katia, Visual Journaling

Visual Journaling

This discussion not only educated me about art in general but also my feelings towards art. I loved the variety of work and materials discussed throughout the video, as well as the deeper discussion about how art is truly such a special form of expression. When Ian Birky spoke about the girl that came to see him and drew at her appointments for the following year this spoke to me greatly. Art is a release for me as it is for so many and that is something that makes it so beautiful and powerful.

The image above is actually a painting I did that expresses my “current situation” or “environment ” in my head when I made the painting. I had been feeling super overwhelmed and all over the place. There were sparks of positivity and appreciation in my moods that were constricted by dark and frustrated thoughts. Therefore to try and help myself release some of the overwhelming emotions I was feeling, I sat down with some paint and pens and began to make this.

Another thing I thought of throughout this discussion /video was the psychological side of art. Meaning not in a deep context, but rather how all of our minds are so different and never would one’s work ever come out the same. This may be just the love of psychology in me, but I think the diversity in art is another thing that makes it so special and so cool. I love how I can look at the art presented on the video and think to myself how much I love how something looks and that I believe I love it so much not only because it is visually appealing to me but because I would never think of something exactly like it.

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