Anna, Self-Portrait

Portrait Progress

I’ve tried to do the lips like three times and I can’t get them right so I’m sorry it’s blotchy where they are supposed to be…I’m also just jumping around blocks a bit because I don’t know what to work on and I’m scared of my hair lol

Just need to finish adding deeper tones to the face and hair and fix the right side of the hair

4 thoughts on “Portrait Progress

  1. Excellent progress and the value application is very consistent, particularly on the facial tones. The first eye is looking great as well and avoiding the overly graphic pitfalls that usually occur.
    I would suggest blowing up a subsection of the lips to get the placement mapped out exactly (though it looks like you may need to recreate the grid that was removed in these areas.)

    Some of the portrait edit videos from past students on the blog might be helpful to watch as I demonstrate the importance of shadows to root the eyes & brows and define the form of the lips. You’re doing a great job of not creating contours.

    And you still have plenty of time to do the hair. Good luck!

  2. Great job with the hair texture. Some value overlays (perhaps with the softer woodless graphite) will help pull it together and make it feel less graphic.

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